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Chops Net IP ("C"onnective "H"andcrafted "Op"enwork "S"oftware) is a tasty C++ library that makes asynchronous IP network coding fun! Or at least this library makes asynchronous network programming easier and safer without sacrificing significant performance.

C++ Socket Library Comparisons

This page is a comparison of various portable C++ socket libraries against Chops Net IP, from the primary author (Cliff Green). This comparison offers evaluations that are both subjective and objective.

The main criteria includes:

The secondary criteria includes:

Asio and C++ Networking TS

Asio provides the foundation and underlying asynchronous model for Chops Net IP. The C++ Networking TS is still in development, awaiting standardization and modularization of core components such as executors. Chops Net IP provides usage and abstraction advantages as outlined in the overview documentation.


ACE is available at

ACE is the “granddaddy” of portable C++ networking libraries, in my personal experience. It is where I learned about reactor and proactor designs, and where the seminal ideas for the Chops Net IP abstractions were formed. Some of the strengths of ACE include:

Some of the disadvantages: